Challenge Courses
Veteran Challenge Course builders and inspectors, who we know, lament that they don’t build many Challenge Courses anymore. They Build success courses. They are correct. We manage two South Florida challenge course facilities and have access to the others.
Our Challenge Course programs are safe and accessible to individuals regardless of their physical condition, age or experience. The facilities might look and sound physically daunting, the work is all between the ears…There’s a special power to bringing people away from where they usually operate.
No one needs to go beyond what is appropriate for them. For some, not climbing or climbing a few steps up the ladder, is the correct thing to do. Powerfully choosing NOT to climb has impact….
For others, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. Regardless of one’s choice, the Challenge Course experience can be impactful for life.
Since every group has their own unique circumstances and requirements, a single pricing policy is ineffective. Considerations that affect our pricing include the number of participants, travel time, location, and duration of the program.
Please use the form below, email or call us to begin the conversation. We encourage phone, zoom or in-person discussion as the best, most effective option to answer questions and zero in on the most appropriate program for you and your group.
Thanks for your consideration…
People Experiencs Applications
All images are from actual programs. No stock photos used.